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Empowering Communities: Natural House's Collaboration With Locals

In the heart of Indonesia, amidst lush landscapes and bustling communities, Natural House found its home and its purpose: to champion sustainability while empowering local communities. Here's a glimpse into our collaborative journey with locals:

Partnering With Local Government

Recognizing the importance of local support, Natural House forged a partnership with the Jambi Province Government. This collaboration was built on shared values and a mutual commitment to environmental stewardship. As a result, Natural House was honored to be chosen as the partner brand for province-wide events. Through these partnerships, we showcased our eco-friendly catering products and promoted sustainable practices to a wider audience. Together with the Jambi Province Government, we worked hand in hand to raise awareness, drive positive change, and foster a culture of environmental responsibility throughout the province.

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Educating Future Generation

Education lies at the heart of our mission at Natural House, and our collaboration with schools and universities has been instrumental in spreading awareness and inspiring action. Through engaging tours and interactive learning sessions, we welcomed students and educators into our world, offering them a firsthand glimpse into how we create our sustainable products. From exploring our manufacturing processes to understanding the importance of recycling and waste reduction, these experiences empowered young minds to become advocates for sustainability in their communities. By investing in education, we sow the seeds of change and cultivate a generation committed to preserving our planet.

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Partnering With Pandawara Group

In our quest for social and environmental impact in Jambi Province, collaboration with local NGOs like the Pandawara Group has been instrumental. Together, we embarked on meaningful projects aimed at making a difference in Jambi's communities. From organizing beach clean-ups to tree planting initiatives, our collaboration with the Pandawara Group allowed us to amplify our efforts and create lasting change. By combining our resources, expertise, and passion for change, we tackled pressing issues head-on, shaping a greener and more sustainable future for Jambi Province.

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Get in Touch

Jl. Kayu Manis No. 123 Kelurahan Mawar Merah Kecamatan Tanjung Raja Jambi, Indonesia


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